Corporate social responsibility
Svedbergs Group attaches great importance to corporate social responsibility, helping achieve UN Sustainable Development Goals 3 – Good health and well-being, 5 – Gender equality, and 8 – Decent work and economic growth. Health and safety risks exist both within our own organisation and in the supply chain. Inadequate business ethics may occur in business relationships throughout the value chain.
Sustainability goals
Svedbergs Group’s goal is to run a business that promotes good health and good working conditions throughout the value chain. The Group sets high standards of responsibility for its own operations and for suppliers and other partners. Respecting human rights and ensuring that workplaces are safe and contribute to well-being is a high priority. The focus area has two measurable goals: healthy attendance in relation to total scheduled time should exceed 96.5 percent by 2030, and physical audits should be carried out at 20 percent of all Svedbergs Group’s suppliers every year
Good working conditions, skills and development
Employees are essential for the profitability and development of the business. Clear goals, visions and values build a culture of inclusion. One of Svedbergs Group’s strategic pillars is ‘organisation and leadership’. The organisation is based on a decentralised structure in which employees’ skills are continuously developed. Leadership should be about leading by example. This builds a culture of trust and the courage to develop and grow. The working environment must develop both employees and the organisation.
In 2023, several subsidiaries provided training in sustainability and sustainability-related issues, which is continuing in 2024. Examples of training programmes include self-leadership and leadership for managers. Skills development has led to new sustainability initiatives emerging from the organisation and makes it easier to implement effective measures more quickly.
Civic engagement can create both new insights and pride in your organisation. At Roper Rhodes, each employee has been asked to set aside one day of their annual working hours to volunteer at a local charity or similar organisation.
Diversity, equality and gender equality strengthen the corporate culture. Svedbergs Group is committed to promoting equality for everyone, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity or sexual orientation. This is reflected in the Group’s day-to-day operations and in recruitment. All employees must have equal conditions of employment, promotion and pay.
Performance reviews and employee surveys are held annually with all employees.
All Group companies are Great Place to Work certified. This is measured in five areas: Credibility, Respect, Fairness, Pride and Camaraderie.
The Swedish companies in the Group have collective agreements for all employees. In other companies, standard practice in each country is followed.
Health and safety
The health and safety of employees are top priority. The Group’s companies carry out systematic health and safety work, based on the health and safety policy, to offer a safe, attractive workplace. Any workplace accidents and incidents are reported and analysed so that measures can be taken to prevent similar events from happening again. Employees receive regular health and safety training and strong emphasis is placed on maintaining a high level of safety in production.
The subsidiaries offer wellness allowances and occupational health care based on local rules.
Respect for human rights
Svedbergs Group places great emphasis on ensuring that human rights are respected throughout its own operations and the operations of the Group’s suppliers.
The Group rejects all forms of forced labour, child labour and unsafe or unfair working conditions. To identify and manage risks regarding human rights, the environment and corruption, the companies in Svedbergs Group conduct annual risk analyses and evaluations in the supply chain. Governance is through the Supplier Code of Conduct.
Good business ethics and anti-corruption
Svedbergs Group does not accept any form of corruption, bribery, extortion or money laundering and rejects any illegal restriction of competition. This statement includes employees, customers, suppliers or individuals working for or on behalf of the Group. An important tool in this work is the Group’s Code of Conduct, which must be accepted by both employees and suppliers.
If there is any suspicion of irregularities such as bribery, conflicts of interest, insider trading, environmental crimes or shortcomings in security, employees, customers and suppliers are all encouraged to report this. The Group’s whistleblowing service, which guarantees anonymity, is available for reporting. Incoming cases are handled by an external party. Guidelines and information on the processing of personal data are published on the website.
Board members and those in senior positions in the Group receive training in stock exchange rules, including insider trading and conflicts of interest. People with temporary insider information are documented and registered in an event-driven insider register.
Responsible supply chain
To ensure your anonymity – keep the following in mind:
Copy this link and type in your web browser.
Do not use the company’s computer or network.
Whistleblowing service
Information about processing of personal data Whistleblowing function.
Supplier Code of Conduct
The Supplier Code of Conduct provides the framework to ensure compliance with internationally recognised minimum standards for human rights, health and safety, social conditions and the environment, and is in line with Svedbergs Group’s principles, policies and standards. The Supplier Code of Conduct is based on the Ethical Base Code (ETI) and the ten principles of the UN Global Compact.
Before an agreement is signed with a new supplier, a risk assessment and evaluation are carried out to check the supplier’s ability to ensure reliable deliveries of high-quality, affordable products as well as their ability to meet requirements for social and environmental responsibility.
The Supplier Code of Conduct has been signed by all strategic suppliers. In 2023, the Supplier Code of Conduct was updated to adapt it to the growing Group.