Our sustainability strategy has five focus areas, each with targets for 2030. These set a clear direction for future work.
01. Reducing the environmental impact of our products
02. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
03. Resource efficiency
04. Wood from sustainable forestry
05. Corporate social responsibility
Svedbergs Group consists of five segments that partly operate in different markets and with partly different business models. The overall business has a clear common focus on long-term sustainability, and environmental, social and financial values are included in all business decisions.
Long-term sustainable value creation for all stakeholders is the foundation of Svedbergs Group’s business operations.
Sustainability is business-critical. Integrated sustainability and community engagement go hand in hand with value creation. Svedbergs Group takes a long-term approach throughout the value chain, from product development and choice of raw materials to choosing responsible suppliers and production processes.
The Group’s sustainability strategy is known as ‘Our Choice’. The name reflects active choices that lead to the Group’s ambition to be a leader in sustainable bathroom furniture and fittings in the markets in which it operates.
The sustainability strategy contains five focus areas with targets that set a clear direction for the work. The targets extend to 2030.
To continue driving our five focus areas forward, we have developed six sustainability goals that we actively monitor and follow up on. Additionally, we utilize several sustainability indicators in our dedicated sustainability platform, which we measure and evaluate on a quarterly or annual basis. We have established 2021 as the reference year for these initiatives.
Reduction of CO2 emissions
(Outcome -17.2% against net sales)
Total waste intensity
(Outcome -17,2% against net sales)
Healty presence
(Outcome 97.6%)
Physical audits of strategic suppliers
(Outcome 10%)
Procurement of wood certified to sustainable forest management standards
(Outcome 100%)
Share of renewable energy
(Outcome 92,4%)
Outcome year 2023 vs 2021
Our work on sustainability should permeate our entire business, from concept and design to recycling.
Based on the stakeholders’ most important issues, Svedbergs Group has identified five long-term focus areas. They help achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals and develop operations within Svedbergs Group. The five focus areas are used to set targets and give direction to the work. They are used by all companies in the Group to define specific activities.
The UN Sustainable Development Goals provide an important framework for the sustainability work. Seven of the SDGs are particularly relevant to the operations of
Svedbergs Group.
Svedbergs Group has the opportunity to help achieve several of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, primarily the following seven goals:
Goal 3: Good health and well-being
Goal 5: Gender equality
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
Goal 13: Climate action
Goal 15: Life on land
Box 840
Visiting address:
Kristian IV:s väg 3
© 2023 Svedbergs Group. All rights reserved.
Box 840
Visiting address:
Kristian IV:s väg 3
© 2023 Svedbergs Group. All rights reserved.