As of April 1, 2025, Martina Axell will take on the role of MD of Svedbergs i Dalstorp AB.
Martina brings extensive experience from multiple industries and most recently served as MD of Granngården AB. Prior to that, she was MD of Unilin Nordic AB and previously Head of Range and Sourcing at AJ Produkter. She also has a long background at IKEA, where she held various managment positions in Sweden, the UK, and the Netherlands.
I warmly welcome her to Svedbergs i Dalstorp and Svedbergs Group. With her experience, she will bring new perspectives and ideas to our business. At the same time, I would like to thank Thomas Elvlin for successfully and with great commitment leading Svedbergs during a challenging period that has made demands and challenged the business on several different levels. Thomas will remain in the company during a transition period.
For more information, please contact:
Per-Arne Andersson, CEO +46 706 38 50 12
About us
Svedbergs Group is a long-term investor in Europe’s strongest independent companies that design, manufacture and market sustainable bathroom products and services.
We are growing through organic growth and acquisitions that complement and strengthen our group through new product categories, geographic spread and new knowledge in marketing, innovation and sustainability.
We create value by sharing each company’s unique expertise with the rest of the group, and we care about maintaining the entrepreneurial drive and commitment of the companies. We call this cooperation without confusion.
New MD for Svedbergs i Dalstorp AB